Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daddy's Little Girl

In honor of Father's Day, this post will be dedicated to the man who responds to Dad by only three people (four, if your count when Mom calls him that- but let's not get too technical) in the world: me, Shane and Court.

Well hmmm.... I am not sure where to even begin! I just gotta brag a little bit on my padre! He is awesome! I have yet to meet someone so level headed, goofy, loyal, loving, proud, and generous to our family. My dad is also my biggest fan!!! In college at CCU, dad was at every home game. Senior year he and mom even travelled to New Mexico, Nebraska, and Oklahoma!!! Not to mention all over Colorado for away games!! That meant soooo much to me, I can't really describe it. I could always count on my dad cheering me on from the sidelines (probably annoying my momma, but it meant the world to me to hear his voice while I was out there). Soccer was OUR thing! He would listen to me complain after hard losses and be so proud no matter what the result! The most fun I had with him was probably in Florida for NCCAA Nationals junior year. Although we lost a heart breaker in the first game, dad was there to hold me while I cried like a little kid and then cheer us all on the rest of the time. Those are memories that I will never forget! 

Daddy and I recently at my cousin's wedding.
One last thing that I absolutely love about my dad- his love for our entire family! I know I said this before, but Dad just loves us all so much! He is such an awesome example of what a great father and husband should be. I've always told my mom that no one will ever be good enough for me, cause no one will ever be as great of a dad or husband as my daddy is. (I know the close second is out there somewhere though) 

Now that I have moved on in my life from soccer to DC school, dad is still there cheering me along. Whenever I tell him my grades he is always so impressed, even when they aren't very impressive. He is constantly reassuring me and encouraging me. I know he is proud and I really appreciate his enthusiasm for what I am doing. I actually have him to thank for me wanting to become a DC! So thanks Pops, this is the best decision I have ever made!!!

Daddy and I last year on Father's Day at Coors Field watching the Rockies play!
All in all, I love you Dad! You are the bomb and never cease to crack me up! Cannot wait to see you in August and go to some Rockies games with you! I love you Daddy and I will always be your little girl!

I hope you all enjoyed your Father's Day and truly got to appreciate your dad for who he is and what he means to you and the rest of your family! Here are some lyrics from a song that I heard the other day on my favorite country station. Its by George Strait and the words really hit home! Thanks for loving us like this Dad!

"Daddy's don't just love their children every now and then. It's a love without end, amen. It's a love without end, AMEN."

Be Blessed

Love & Smiles

sammi d

And I have to add a great quote for good measure...

"Keep away from people who try to belillte your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great." --- Mark Twain

Thanks for believing in me and knowing that I too can be great. Love you Daddy

Saturday, June 11, 2011

California Love

Alright y'all! I can't believe I have been such a slacker on posting! I am sure you are all just dying to know what I have been doing for the last 3 weeks, so I thought instead of writing a ton, I would do a little photo montage of my life as of late! And let me tell you, IT HAS BEEN AWESOME! Here's to my first summer in CALIFORNIA!!

Last minute, baseball game with Kyle on a Sunday afternoon! These are the seats my Grandma has had for 30 years! So thankful that she shares with her grandkids :)

This bouquet came from my Grandma's yard. CO has nothing on CA when it comes to landscaping! These flowers were gorgeous! and I think I did a decent job arranging them :)

I love baking, and these Reese's Peanut Butter Cookies were to die for. Thanks to the lovely Janae for the recipe! Oh and I burned a batch, I think its tradition now or something cause I never fail to do it!

My sister moved to CA for the summer!! I LOVE having her here!!

Last minute Angel's Game with Mike! So its Tuesday and we are sitting in class and this is what happens. MIKE: Sam, what are you doing tonight? SAM: No plans, studying for whatever we have tomorrow. MIKE: Says nothing and turns back around. SAM: You can't just ask that and turn back around! Why, what's going on tonight? MIKE: Well I really want to go to the Angel's game, but its short notice. SAM: I AM IN!!! 

Great night with great company, not to mention an ANGEL'S WIN!!! I love living 10 minutes from the BIG A and being able to go to games on random occasions.

WEDDING WEEKEND and all the Kibby kids are back in town! That is nine cars in my grandma's driveway! I love my family!!!

Matt (cousin) and Courtney! Matt inherited a sister for the summer. Good luck buddy :) Love you two!!

On our way to Becca's wedding!!

I love my sister! ps, I was having an awesome hair day! Since when does my hair look that long, just saying :) 
Me and B (cousin) at the wedding! We grooved all night!!

Shane!! Had such a blast with my brother, and whole family for that matter!!

People say I resemble him :) Love you daddy!!

Madre!! Me and my beautiful momma

Both parentals! Married 24 years!! Love y'all and the awesome example you are!

Cousins!!! Alex in the way back, Bry, Matt, B, Me and Court!

The BRIDE!! My lovely cousin Rebecca!! Congratulations

Since I am TULO-jit 2 quit, I ate that whole burger on our way to dodger Stadium for  the Rockies @ LA game. Tommy's, an LA must!! 

Best picture ever!! You boys crack me up!! (ps check out those hats!)

I also had to have a Dodger Dog, yummmmm

Most of the crew, with a lot of PURPLE on! Great time with my great friends!!

Rockies Round 2!!! Great view of downtown LA from DOdger Stadium

Just like the good times at Coors, only with a little booing instead! ROCKIES WON and it was AWESOME!! I was a happy camper needless to say.

All smiles after a Rockies win!! Kudos to Mike for encouraging going to the game and Jes for coming along as well! So glad I could see my boys play twice!!

I want to move to HB!! It's beautiful!

I went to SD to hang with my old CCU soccer coach and watch her run the Rock and Roll Marathon! She did awesome, I am so happy to have her in my life as a mentor and friend!!
Random Angel game with B! showed up in the 2nd and left in the 8th... The joy of living close to the Big A! I can go to Angel games during midterms week!

Look at all that red!! Only for the Angel's!

We have so much random giveaway stuff! Love going to baseball games with my sister!!!

So as you can see, baseball has been a huge part of what I have been doing the last few weeks. Along with this I have been studying, and pretty much enjoying life and the beautiful sunshine!!! Stay tuned for a new blog on this past week's Dead Chiropractic Society!! All you DC kids better be there next month, no excuses cause we don't have a test the next day! We all need to be dipped every once in a while, and personally I would prefer never to get out of the pool!

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." --- T.S. Elliot

Dream big. Live large. Never settle.

Be Blessed!!

Love & Smiles

sammi d