Sunday, May 22, 2011

Highway to Health

The school week is over and I couldn't be more excited for the weekend! And a little shut eye tonight, I am beat! But even as tired as I was today (and likely all the SICA crew that attended DCS-more to come about that) I can't complain. Cause I am blessed! So are you! We all are actually, even as hard as that is to see sometimes. Blessings surround us daily.

Ok, so here is the back story. Back in February there was a chiropractic conference that was put on by a group of chiropractors in the Orange County area. It is called Cal Jam. I was unable to go because I was back in Denver that weekend, but a few people from school were able to make it. Long story short, the people who were able to be at Cal Jam haven't looked back since then! They are FIRED UP about chiropractic and it is contagious! You know when someone has experienced something so awesome that you can't wait to have a part of it yourself, well last night at the Dead Chiropractic Society I was able to be a part of it. It's official: MY WORLD HAS BEEN ROCKED!! I am pretty sure I can't even do it justice, but here is my feeble attempt...

So 4 years ago was my last time in Uganda, and I will have you know, there is no place like that. Until you have seen poverty like that first hand, its hard to comprehend. I will admit, its hard for me to comprehend after being away for a while. Well, while we were there, I remember driving through Kampala. We were waiting at a stop light and the car in front of us got robber. They had their window down and a guy ran over to them, stuck his hand in the passenger window and straight up yanked the woman's purse from her. Right then. Right there. GONE. I remember looking out the window, bright eyed 18 year old Sam thinking Oh my, that couldn't have just happened! As we drove away, we drove past a person who was on a mat begging by the road, which might not have phased me, but this person didn't have legs. No feet, no calves, no thighs. No legs! The reason I bring this story up is because one of the speakers, Dr. Liam Schubel, at DCS told an oddly similar story. For him, though, seeing the femur-less man was a wake up call. It was a call for him to do something bigger than himself. It was also a reminder to count your blessings. Dr. Schubel also said something that is completely true, with great blessings comes great responsibility. This is were I seem to fail at times, but I am not one to give up easily. I hope to be able to pass blessings on to people everyday, even in the littlest ways. It is those random acts of kindness that sometimes mean the most to me.

So its Saturday now, I couldn't stay up Thursday night to do the rest of my post :) But back to all the DCS talk... The other speaker was Dr. Brian Kelly, President of Life West Chiropractic College. He was great as well. Both spoke about what chiropractic means to them, and the root of chiropractic. Listening to them was so inspiring. I picked up my pops from the airport after DCS and I couldn't stop talking about it! I am sooo extremely blessed in my life, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am exactly where God wants me. I feel such a sense of peace knowing that in less than 3 years I will be able to help people live their life in a complete and whole way. I WILL be a chiropractor who adjusts subluxations and restores the body's innate power to heal itself! (WOW, did I just use those 3 words in one sentence!!!) I could not be more excited about the all us DC kids (that's a shout out to all you LACC students) are going! I have found such a great group of friends and future colleagues who challenge me to think differently and are 100% supportive. They are my chiropractic family and I am proud to say that!

This quote is to all you DC kids...

"There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen" ---Wayne Dyer

I can say that I will be doing just that, and that pumps me up! I love you all!!

So we went to see Bridesmaids and it was hilarious! Ridiculously crude and raunch, but funny none the less. We were early so of course the boys had to play in the arcade. Although Mike looks all business, Jay was the victorious one. 

I got a new curling iron and had to test it out, as well as testing the ability of my superior oblique muscle. Looks as though I might have a lesion to R CN IV... I don't think so really, but I guess all my IPES studying has paid off!

Be blessed!

Love & Smiles

sammi d

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bend it Like Beckham

This weekend was a SUCCESS to say the least! Probably one of the best weekends I have had in a while. Started with a Thursday after school trip to Draft Picks, the sports bar by school to relax, eat, watch some basketball and catch up with friends. It was the first time I had been there since St. Pattys and totally reminded me of how far we (me and the DC kids) have come. I actually got to know a lot of the people I consider good friends at that place. Anyway, after DP's I went to another friends to have chocolate chip pancakes. Those are my favorite and to be real, they are the only way I will eat pancakes. We bought the whole wheat brand, don't make that mistake, Bisquick all the way next time Jes and Ry. Also practiced adjusting, let me tell ya I need more practice, but it will come, and I can't wait for that time!!! 

Friday was equally as great, I went hiking with Ash, Marc and Maka (their puppy) and we even encountered a snake! Actually two, I was the lucky on the come across the first one, and lets just say I had a little freak out and started running up the trail :) Marc and Maka lead the way after that one! Its pretty cool that even here in Southern California, the epitome of concrete everywhere, there are still awesome canyons and places to enjoy nature. This was something I enjoyed so much about Colorado, so I am pumped to be able to have similar experiences here. Though they aren't 14ers like in CO, I still got a great workout and spent some time enjoying the outdoors with good friends. Friday night consisted of softball! A few of my best friends from class play on a team together, so a few of us went to go watch. And they WON! Shout out to No Pay Bunt. Another fun time chit chatting with friends and enjoying the pretty weather, we are possibly in the works for doing a coed team. I played softball this time last year in CO and totally enjoyed it, I am definitely not the best, but its fun to get out there and play around. I can never be accused of not trying thats for sure. I hope it works out for some of us to play, I might need to get on that this week!

Now for Saturday!!! I went to boot camp in the morning, got my bump kicked, which was much needed, then headed to my Grams and Granddad's for lunch. I spent some awesome time with them, its so fun cause they always tell me the best stories, I learn so much every time I am able to hang out with them and always laugh a lot! Later that night I left for Whittier, en route to the LA Galaxy game. We got In-n-Out before the game and were on our way! I had my first encounter with this lovely city...

Ya, Compton. It wasn't actually too sketchy, but I just found it hilarious that the sign said City of Compton Welcomes You. But it really might not be that funny, because what did I really expect it to say "Drive the other way, its sketchy in this town."  Needless to say, we didn't drive that direction. We ended up at the Home Depot Center to watch David Beckham, Landon Donovan and the rest of the Galaxy take on Sporting Kansas City.

Brady and I after we got on the Big Screen!!!

Caroline and Jes! We had a blast watching those boys play!

That is David! Its been a dream of mine to watch him play!

Right before he bent it! No goal on this effort though.

David Beckham is obviously a great soccer player, but he was one of the first ones I really ever knew about. I learned of him when I was a freshman in high school, after watching the movie Bend it like Beckham. Although the movie is really not even about him, that where I was first really exposed to him. At the game on Saturday, HE SCORED!!!! And I went nuts! It was seriously one of the coolest things ever! I wanted to cry, not really, but it was way cool! To see him play was sweet, and the fact that he scored, that sealed the deal!

DC kids at the Galaxy game! Me, Jes, Brady, Caroline, Mike, and Ash! Let's make this the first of many trips to the Home Depot Center!

Had such a blast with these girls!
After that we headed back to Caroline's for what might have been the most fun of all. Rock Band Roulette! Lets just say I am by far the worst, and I had to sing some Paramore song, pretty sure my voice hasn't recovered from that one! It was a great time with great friends! I am so blessed to have finally found my footing out here in California! Thanks be to everyone who has really made this place feel like home.

Sunday was rather uneventful, back to reality, school, groceries and relaxing. I did make a yummy dinner for my grandma, cousin and myself. I am becoming more and more comfy in the kitchen, GO ME!! First quiz of the semester is tomorrow, hope my studying pays off!

"The successful person makes a habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do." ---Thomas Edison

Many blessings to you all as the week begins!

Love & Smiles

sammi d

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

For the WIN

Just got back from my Newport Coed soccer league and we finally won!!!!! And in quite high fashion I might add, 6-2. Who cares if the team started with 7 players, and played with 10 most of the game... Although I can't take ownership of any of those 6 goals, I did have a sweet assist! Off a corner even!! Let me give you a play by play... Ball goes out, I go run to take the corner and tell the guy who wanted to take it (he is over 6 feet tall btw) to get in the box as the likelihood of him scoring is slightly (only slightly) higher than me (at 5'4"). I don't get why the 6 foot tall guys always wants to take the corners, what the heck, you are tall, go score a goal dude! Can I get an AMEN!! Anyway, I send the ball in, just out of the Keeper's reach and over all the defenders to my player back post at the 6 yard box. Boom. GOAL. Insert Sam "SWEET!" So I am pretty sure I finally proved to those guys that I can send in a way better corner in than they can! I am pretty pumped (if you can't tell) and can't wait for next week's game. There is something so awesome about an assist. Although the goal scorer usually gets most of the glory and the highlights on SportsCenter, if that ball didn't come in at that perfect moment, at the perfect spot, the goal would have never existed. 

"It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen." ---John Wooden

Don't let the big picture get in the way of completing all the steps you need to get there. Don't let the amount of steps freak you out. And don't forget to celebrate the small stuff, even if it is as minscual and irrevelant as an assist in an adult rec coed soccer league. I like to think the small wins get me through the seemingly bigger losses.

Love & Smiles

sammi d

P.S. Me and my DC kids are going to a LA Galaxy game this weekend and I couldn't be more excited. I even get to see Becks play!! Post to come with some pictures from the game :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


It was Mother's Day yesterday!!! I am sure everyone did some awesome stuff with/for their madre. This was my first Mother's Day I didn't get to spend with my momma in, well actually, ever, I think. I can recall in recent years celebrating my mom with Shane, Court, Dad and the guest of honor of course, by going to Rockies games and ROASTING (mainly my mom, lets just be honest--love ya mom), playing frisbee golf, weeding the yard then planting flowers, and seeing some movies. This year I sent a card, which hopefully will get there tomorrow... oops :) and chatted with my loving mom on the phone. I also got to spend some great time with both Grandmas, both of which have been so loving and supportive throughout my entire life, and two of my seven aunts. Needless to say, I have some awesome women in my life, all of which I love dearly. Since it was Mother's Day, I am going to focus on the one lady in the whole entire world who responds only to Shane, Court, and I as Mom.

I am sure everyone says their mom is the best, but let's be real here, mine is :). She is truly my best friend! This last year has been a crazy one, and my momma has been right there with me! From the lows to the highs, I can count on good old Judaloo to hear me out, give me advice, tell me its going to be ok when I got a D on a test, listen to my random stories about people she doesn't know, talk to me when I was lonely for the first 3 months in CA (I have grown out of that thank goodness) and be just as excited as I was when I got an A in biochem. And most all of this was over the phone, usually on my commute home from school. Even when I call her and it isn't convienient she always listens! She is seriously the best! More than anything, my mom is a great example. She is so loving to us kids and my dad. I couldn't have had a better model of what being a mom is, I have been so blessed by my family, that is something I am sooo extremely grateful for. I hope one day to be just as loving, faithful, caring, funny, forgiving, and full of life as my mom. Thanks momma, I love you!!
Momma and me at Coors Field, I think I got my love for baseball part from her and part from Daddy
So Happy Mother's Day to you Momma and all the other moms out there!

Love & Smiles

sammi d

P.S. Found a quote iPhone app while bored in x-ray this am... so here is today's quote.

"You can't push anyone up the ladder unless he is willing to climb himself." ---Andrew Carnegie

I think Mr. Carnegie was telling us to get up and go for it! Carpe Diem

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hey You!!

3rd Term has officially begun! And CA has opened me with "warm" arms!! Not sure how to feel yet about the classes, but I know its awesome to be back with all the great people at LACC. Definitely great to know how many sweet friends I have out here in the OC. I actually went to a friend's house last night to watch some team who wears purple and gold play this sport where they throw a ball at an round orange thing and get points if it goes through the white part... (I prefer games that involve no hand eye coordination, although you are looking at the reigning LACC Half Court Contest winner, luck much?!) Unfortunately (for my friends, at least) they lost. Still fun to be able to be around great people before the term gets too crazy. 

Its been stinking hot here (hence the "warm" welcome) but I haven't been complaining because it snowed on the day I left CO and was stinking cold. Not sure which is better, I will take mid 70s this weekend though! Since it was so warm today (95!!) I decided to ride top down in Stella (that's my Saab's name) from school to Boot Camp tonight. I was waiting at a really long light and the man next to me says, "Hey, excuse me!" I turn down my country music and he asks, "What part of Colorado are you from?" I respond by telling him I went to school in Denver, but grew up in Loveland. He told me how much he loves Colorado and that he went to CU Boulder (GO BUFFS), then lived in the area for many years after he finished. We had a little conversation car to car and then said bye when the light turned green. I think his 14 year old daughter in the front wanted to become invisible for a few minutes, but the funny thing is that what she thinks is her crazy, old dad being weird totally MADE MY DAY! Only a fellow Coloradan would shout through his window just to share his love of the place. So thanks old man in the Land Rover, you made me smile! The most I had ever done was wave at other CO plated cars in CA. I better step up my game!

Last picture of the mountains as they faded away while driving to DIA...
One more thing. You all might not think this is as awesome as I do, but I have become completely obsessed with organization. It might be the only way I keep my sanity with 26 credit hours the next 3 months. Anyway, today during a long lunch I ran errands and went to Michael's to buy some card stock as a covering/backing to some notes I was going to bind together. I was lucky enough to find this...

Yup, you saw that right... GLITTER!!!!! I know you are sooo jealous. Oh the things that being me joy! On that note I will leave you all! Oh and here is a picture of the mani/pedi me and my momma got on Saturday before I left! I had so much fun with her :) I may not be one for make up and getting my hair done, but I love painting my nails! I call it the girliness in me! (and maybe I like glitter too, what's it to you)

Thanks Momma :)
Oh, and I had to share this too! (thanks Mike for posting this one) Just some food for thought from the pioneer of chiropractic... 

"Following the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked." ---BJ Palmer

Remember that when people doubt you or think you are crazy for being different. Being crazy is more fun anyway!

Love & Smiles

sammi d